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how to use a washing machine
Growing up is hard. Learning how to use a washing machine is harder.
Cass and James return to their childhood home to pack up their things one last time. As they put years of memories into boxes and bags, the past comes rushing back, and growing up suddenly doesn’t seem so easy.
A new and unique musical, scored for string quartet, that is certain to make you laugh, remember flying the nest, and check for cats next time you use the tumble dryer.
A new musical
music by JOE DAVIES
June 2018, Burton Taylor Studio
Marketing Manager

How To Use A Washing Machine, staged at the end of the university year, tapped into a feeling which was very topical for its student audience: fear of the unknown. What made it different was its approach to that fear: it encouraged its audience to laugh, empathise with the characters on stage, and leave feeling more confident about the future.

Produced with Barricade Arts and SLAM Theatre.
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